August 30, 2024
Lunar Series No. 9 - September 2024
September is about finding the balance between focusing on the details and then zooming out so far that there are no details and everything looks connected.

This journal share the transcript of the ninth installment of our Lunar Series. For September, we’re discussing the balance between focusing on the details and then zooming out so far that there are no details and everything looks connected.

Listen to the full episode.


Hello, everyone, and welcome to The Designed Life podcast. Today, we're discussing the balance between focusing on the details and zooming out so far that there are no details and everything looks connected. There's an interesting dynamic at this time of year when we want to get very specific, focused, and down to the basics. You know, it's the time of year when most of us are used to the routine of going back to school. It's embedded in American culture. September is "back to school" month, so there's an emphasis on hitting the books, settling down, grounding the energy of summer, and turning it into something practical. We focus more on mental stimulation, education, and growth rather than on the fiery, physical energy of summer.

But it's also a time of year when we start to think about how the details and the broad picture connect. We reflect on how our discerning energy connects to the vast, inexplicable, and undecipherable connections we have with everything around us—from the air we breathe to the chair we sit on, the person next to us on the subway, or the plants in our homes or communities. It's all interconnected.

So, that's the energy of this month with regards to the lunations. I want us to focus on getting clear about the details in a way that is helpful and grounded, reminding us that everything is a mirror. When we look at the universe and see the stars, we remember that we are also made of stardust. There's nothing that has come out of the earth that isn't made of the same minerals and elements. We're all just different expressions of the same energy, formulated in different, very specific, and very unique ways.

Let's explore why I'm discussing all this. My name is Hollis Maloney. This is The Designed Life podcast, and today we're talking about the lunations of September 2024. We start the month on September 3rd with a New Moon in Virgo at 11°. Virgo is a sign that is all about the details. It's analytical, discriminating, very detail-oriented, and exacting. It's a sign known for being organized and specific, but also for being critical, sometimes overly judgmental. The Virgo part of us is the one that looks at ourselves or at things in the world and says, "That's not good enough." But it's also the part of us that sees where things can be improved, suggesting that things will be better if we just adjust them slightly or apply a specific tool, tactic, or mentality. It's the part of us that's the editor, the "Editor-in-Chief," if you will, adept at recognizing where things can be improved.

When applied skillfully, it means we grow, enhance ourselves, and become better versions of ourselves because we see where we can improve. We then make changes in that direction and take practical steps to move toward it. On the other hand, when it's applied unskillfully, it means we see everything that's "wrong" with us or with the world, and it can become debilitating because there's too much we can't control. This leads to feelings of being inadequate or not enough.

So, anytime there's a lunation or transit through Virgo, it's a good time to recognize the stories you've been telling yourself about your self-worth and perfection. What are your stories around perfection? What kind of judgment are you subjecting yourself to? What are all the "shoulds" that you impose on yourself?

During this particular lunation, this New Moon, it's an excellent opportunity to ask yourself what you're ready to release regarding stories of perfection. How can you start speaking to yourself with more kindness and less judgment? How can you listen to your internal judgment and see it as a signpost pointing toward where you might need more healing, compassion, or support?

I mention this because the ruler of this lunation, the ruler of Virgo, is Mercury, currently in Leo. Leo is all about the self—our identity, our ego. We talked a lot about Leo last month. It's also trine with Chiron, a minor planet often referred to as the wounded healer, pointing toward some wounds we might be carrying or have yet to tend to, which are ready to be addressed. This is an opportunity to embrace who we are without judgment and to let go of unnecessary criticism, allowing us to step more fully into our true selves.

It's an excellent time of the year to reflect on how you've been overly critical with yourself and ask, "How can I be more compassionate?" Virgo, being a mental sign ruled by Mercury, is really about communication, ideas, and thoughts. It might be easier to start by paying attention to how you speak to yourself and catching yourself in moments of critical or judgmental thinking. When you do, try to flip the stories. If you find yourself looking in the mirror and criticizing your body, try saying, "I should look exactly like myself right now." If you're at work and think, "I should be doing this better," consider embracing how you are in the moment. Perhaps there's room for improvement next time, but you're doing the best you can, and that's okay. Give yourself a little bit of grace.

Either way, it's a great time to start catching yourself when you make judgments toward yourself or others, but especially yourself. There's a connection to Leo here, so pay attention to when you're being critical with yourself, making it a habit to notice your thoughts. The more we notice, the more we can start to change the patterns of self-judgment and self-criticism that lead us into a spiral of negative thoughts like, "I'm not good enough," "I have no self-esteem," or "I can't pursue my dreams because I don't believe in myself." This is the spiral we're trying to avoid.

The New Moon on September 3rd, at 11° of Virgo, is a fantastic time to start paying attention to your thoughts and questioning the stories you tell yourself about perfection, self-judgment, and all the "shoulds." It's also a good opportunity to speak to yourself with compassion, kindness, and support. If you have any planets at 11°  of Virgo or the other mutable signs—Sagittarius, Gemini, and Pisces—you might feel this more acutely. Similarly, if you have any planets at 11°  of Taurus and Capricorn, the other earth signs, you will likely be more sensitive to these influences.

Later in the month, we're moving into Eclipse season again. Fortunately, there are only two Eclipse seasons this year, unlike some years when we have three eclipses in a row—it can be a little overwhelming. This is the second and last Eclipse season of the year, and we're shifting into a new energy. The nodes have shifted, moving from the Libra-Aries axis, which we've been straddling for the past year and a half, to the Pisces-Virgo axis. There will be one more eclipse in Aries next year, but for now, we're in the Pisces energy. It's a new vibe, a new activity, and a new part of your life to explore.

This upcoming Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at the North Node is at 25° of Pisces on September 18th. What does that mean? Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, and I like to think of it as the sign that dissolves everything tied to human form. While Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, embraces our inner fire and life force energy, Pisces is about dissolving those boundaries and understanding our interconnectedness on a vast, cosmic level. People with strong Pisces placements might not understand where they end and another person or thing begins because everything feels so resonant. It's a sign where everything revolves around vibration.

If you think about it, the whole world, the whole universe, is made up of vibrations. When we recognize that we're all vibrating at different frequencies and that we're all just different collections of atoms shaped into unique forms, it opens up a new understanding of our place in the cosmos.

When we're talking about Pisces energy, we're talking about a force that is both unifying and dissolving. It connects us to everything and dissolves our ego, breaking down the barriers between ourselves and others. It's highly imaginative, empathetic, and healing because it sees no separation between you and me. Pisces energy is about a unifying consciousness that connects us all. When we tap into it, we naturally start to feel what others feel—whether it's a person, a plant, an object, or an animal. There's a resonant vibration we can all connect with and tap into when we're dealing with Pisces energy.

That said, while Pisces energy can be healing, it can also be confusing, impractical, and escapist. Because it draws us away from our physical human form and into a broader cosmic interconnectedness, it can feel like being human is exhausting and overwhelming. You might want to disappear into the void, the cosmos, and the interconnectedness of everything. Skillfully applied, it's about empathy, imagination, and relaxing the ego. But if not managed properly, it can lead to confusion, disillusionment, and escapist thinking.

Returning to the lunations, the ruler of this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is Jupiter in Gemini in a traditional sense, and Neptune, which is also in Pisces, in a modern sense. Jupiter, the planet that encourages us to expand and grow, supports this lunation. Neptune, on the other hand, seeks to dissolve boundaries. This is a North Node Eclipse, indicating an eagerness for this kind of energy. So around this time, you might feel like there are no clear boundaries between yourself and others, reinforcing the sense that everything is connected.

With this Full Moon Eclipse, you might experience a significant expansion. When I’m talking about this, I really am imagining some sort of LSD trip that takes you through the universe—expansive and emotive, leading to the shedding of old parts of yourself. This can help you step into a deeper understanding of your purpose, inner healing, and what you're ready to expand into. You might not just get strong ideas but strong feelings about where you're headed next and what you want to bring into your life.

Because Pisces is a water sign, you might experience strong emotions, even crying a lot. It could be beneficial to take a bath, a long shower, find a body of water, or drink lots of water to help release stuck energy. This eclipse series in Pisces will focus heavily on inner and outer healing, addressing damage caused by our sense of separation from one another. It's about reconnecting in empathetic, compassionate, and healing ways.

Around this time, consider allowing yourself to cry it out, drink plenty of water, and, if possible, take some time off if you can. Give yourself the space to not do anything for a while.

You know, I'm looking at what's going on here on this day, and it points to really getting lost in the sauce—really getting lost in your imagination. If you're prone to some mental health instability, be careful on this day and make sure you have support around you. There's a lot of energy around experiencing big emotions, having significant releases, and potentially getting lost in your imagination or wanting to escape reality.

It's a good day to tap into creativity and artistry. Since it's a Full Moon, focus on expression. If you're not someone who works with your hands, plan a dance party with friends or do something with your body that lets you express yourself and move energy. Go for a walk by the water. This is also an excellent time for deep visualization or meditation, as long as you ground yourself in reality before resuming your regular activities. Be sure to have grounding practices in place.

Generally, it's a good time to listen to your body and give it what it needs. If it needs water, nourishment, or sleep—especially sleep—provide it. Keep in mind that Eclipse energy is highly electric and destabilizing, and it can push us in new directions. If that's your experience, try to go with the flow—it could be for the greater good.

If you have any planets at 25° of Pisces or the other mutable signs—Sagittarius, Gemini, or Virgo—you might really feel this one. The same goes for those with planets at 25° of the water signs, like Cancer and Scorpio. This month is a crucial time to consider how you've harmed yourself and how you can open up to healing. We often limit ourselves due to our beliefs, self-judgment, and self-criticism.

If we embrace the mentality that everything is possible and that we are all connected—just different expressions of one another—then comparison and competitiveness lose their significance. Instead, we recognize that everyone is doing their best, and we want to support ourselves in the best way possible.

This month reminds me of the overview effect, the feeling astronauts get when they see Earth from space. They realize that all of humanity is isolated on this tiny revolving ball in the middle of space, emphasizing our shared experience. We're all in this together, so we must support one another.

If someone judges you, that's their issue. Your role is to tap into your unique expression of yourself and share that with the world. It's not about criticizing yourself to the point of debilitation. Instead, recognize where you can improve, like a light sprinkling of salt—not too much, or you won't want to eat.

Please show yourself compassion this month. Let yourself cry it out if needed. We'll be back next month for October, where we'll discuss the final eclipse in Libra, wrapping up the Libra series from the last year and a half. We'll also talk about the Full Moon in Aries, almost the final chapter of the Eclipse series we've been experiencing since early 2023.

Have a really luscious, relaxing, easeful, non-judgmental September. Let your judgment be practical and grounded. Let your compassion fill you up with goodness and love and healing, and I'll see you guys next month!