life design

Holistically driven life coaching for those seeking a more empowered and enriched existence.

Uncover your purpose, cultivate your most aligned work and relationships, and step into the vision you most desire for your life.

the purpose

Your life purpose does not include feeling "fine."

You're not here to follow the status quo. You're not meant to live with your head down, blinders on, or desensitized. Your talents were not meant to be confined, your relationships unfulfilling, or for your job to give you a sinking feeling in your gut every morning you wake up.

Yes, your life can be whatever you want it to be. The question is – are you living it?

"Because of Life Design and your guidance, I was able to channel my energy into manifesting a whole new reality. The structured and holistic approach you provided helped me dig deep and uncover the blockages that were holding me back, even if it was me getting in my own way."

You're here to follow your passion.

You're meant to break through boundaries with courage and support. You're meant to find friendships, partners and community that revel in your uniqueness. You're meant to lead with your talents, and go to bed every night content and inspired by the life you get to have.

i want it all

what is life design?

Life Design is a 1:1 coaching experience that shifts you into a new reality – one created entirely with your voice, heart, joy and passion guiding the way.

"I could go on an on about everything I gained from this program... but the biggest gain that stands out to me the most is how much more confident and brave I feel walking into challenging situations and transitions."

the transformation

All of my clients have experienced a revolutionary shift in the way they view themselves, their time, their lives and what's possible for them.

Everyone arrives with different goals and dreams, but everyone leaves with an enormous foundation of self-trust, self-possession, energetic and emotional resilience, and the power to pursue what they most desire, because they've built a direct channel to the wisdom and motivation that lives within their hearts.

*Below are some examples of what we can shift together.

I'm ready

"It's like building a map to your heart"

Two Pathways

Designed to allow you to sink fully into your transformation at your own pace.

"You helped me work with myself as opposed to against myself."

your coach

I created Life Design to help you gracefully navigate a life that comes with no guidebook.

I'm an active embodiment of belief and optimism.

Having started my business in 2016, I've navigated tumultuous waters of entrepreneurship from the highs to the lows, and on every level I've encountered clients and community who show up beyond the expected realms of involvement. For that reason, I trust myself and those around me to step up to the plate when the opportunities present themselves.

In our work together you’ll find my voice as an accompaniment to the ample room for you to discover, explore, and whole-heartedly step into yourself and your vision.

My approach is not prescriptive or one-size-fits all, which means that after our initial discovery call, our work together will be determined entirely by what you envision and require for your next evolution. My goal, through all of it, is to guide you into your truth, and then support you as you live it.

let's design together

"This program is so powerful! Only 6 months after completing this program my life is totally different. Everything I worked on with Hollis has come true or in the process of coming true. Nothing has connected me more with my inner child and inner strength quite like our work together. Hollis is such an amazing guide through the ins and outs of transformation. She's emotionally aware, incredibly intelligent, and truly a source of pure joy that's contagious. If you're looking to alter or change anything in your life, this is your answer."

love for the work

In their words

"This program is, yet again, coming in clutch, You have a gift of knowing what people have or might be struggling with. You are providing tools for others to take control/ partake in their own healing at their own pace. You are absolutely changing people's lives."

your timing, your growth, your choice

My Promise
My job as your coach is not to force you into a life, set of habits, or beliefs that don't make sense in your skin. My job is guide you into listening to and dauntlessly acting on the wisdom inside you that is begging to be followed – because when you do, the path to what you most want unfurls organically ahead of you.
choose you

"Hollis got right to the issues, even when I tiptoed around them – she gently would help me face the things I needed to face and then show me how to work with them to either turn them into something positive, or get rid of them if they no longer work for me."

"Every goal I had at the beginning of the program I ended up achieving!"

"Hollis had this amazing way of guiding me towards finding my voice. A voice I felt was lacking in my personal and professional life. Since finishing Life Design I feel a million times stronger in my ability to speak up and honor what I need from myself and in my relationships."

devotion over discipline

Your Commitment

Coaching is an intimate container, and in order for it to have a long lasting and powerful impact, it requires two people (client and coach) who are in sync with one another.

Life Design is for you if you're:

  • Seeking a deeper understanding of yourself, your habits, your motivations, and are naturally curious about your process.
  • Willing to try new practices, explore new mentalities, and let go of potential physical, emotional, or energetic blockages to your growth.
  • Fully committed to devoting time each week to do the inner and outer work to affect change in your life.
  • Are willing to be vulnerable and open about yourself, and are prepared to unpack difficult topics and unhelpful narratives.
  • Motivated and inspired to step into a new version of your life.
this is definitely me
Wake up to your life. Make choices that are in alignment with what you value. Speak and express with confidence and clarity. Move your motivation into action. Organically flow with your time, your energy, your self. Create habits, mindsets, and ways of being that align you to what you most desire.
step into life design

"I will carry this work in my back pocket forever."