designer + coach
High level, I've been a passionate graphic designer and holistic professional for 12+ years.
You might think that graphic design and holistic life coaching seem quite separate from one another, but let me tell you from my years of experiences, they're actually incredibly similar.
Both graphic design and life coaching require vision.
The ability to see something that doesn't yet exist. This happens when clients come to me with the need for a new visual to go with their campaign, or a new brand system for the business they're building, or when they have a desire to create a new version of their life, but they just can't quite see the whole picture.
I become the conduit for envisioning how something that feels intangible and amorphous in your mind can become clear and real. Together we create the vision for the end product you desire.
Both industries also require creative thinking and strategy.
Beyond being able to see the thing that it is you want to create, you have to be able to imagine and ideate your way to it's manifestation.
You have to be able to know the limitations and boundaries you're working within. Is there a timeline, a budget, a mission, a series of values, a purpose, a perspective, etc. that we have to adhere to in order for the end result to feel, not only aligned, but invigorating?
For my clients, I get to be their strategist – once we've landed on the vision that feels the most enlivening, I create the map for us to follow to arrive at your desired destination - whether that be a new visual system for your event or a new level of confidence in your relationships.
Finally, both graphic design and life coaching require faith.
Between the client and myself there needs to be a belief that what we're co-creating together is going to work – that it's going to be successful, and that it's going to improve their business and/or their life.
Faith is trust in the unknown, and at the onset of our work together we don't know exactly what we'll create together, but we can have faith that we'll arrive at exactly what it needs to be. And we always do.
On a personal level, I'm an active embodiment of belief and optimism.
Having started my business in 2016, I've navigated tumultuous waters of entrepreneurship from the highs to the lows, and on every level I've encountered clients and community who show up beyond the expected realms of involvement. For that reason, I trust myself and those around me to step up to the plate when the opportunities present themselves.
Whether we work together on design for your business or design for your life, you’ll find my voice as an accompaniment to the ample room for you to discover, explore, and whole-heartedly step into yourself and your vision.
let's design together