Illuminated course

Uncover your authentic voice, cultivate meaningful habits, and activate a value-driven, self-defined life that lights you up every day.

Rooted in positive psychology, emotional intelligence, and energetic integrity

Live Aligned, Empowered + Inspired

I see you....
- You dread going to work each day, and although you know you deserve more, you don't know or are terrified to find something else.
- Your closest relationships are stale and stagnant, failing to give you what you need, but you don't even know what you want to even start resetting these dynamics.
- You're frequently burnt out, your self-care is suffering, rest is a foreign concept, but you're lacking the motivation to lay down the habits and structures to bring you back to equilibrium.
-  You wake up with dread, wander through your days in a haze of anxiety, and wish there was another life was possible – with ease, play, joy, and space...

The life you desire is possible, and you've found the gateway.

The Illuminated Course is a deeply supportive 12 week one-on-one mentorship program that begins at the start of each season, and I work with you directly to adapt and adjust the custom structure to fit your specific needs, goals, and desired outcome.

Our weekly calls combined with weekly personalized action steps, creates a framework for consistent, practical self-development that evolves in your day-to-day life. Every week of your journey peels back a new layer of discovery and self-reclamation, allowing you to embody a more true and empowered version of yourself on a daily basis.

As your mentor, I work directly with you to ensure that, by the end of the season, you have a revitalized understanding of your identity, needs, emotions, boundaries, dreams, and how to activate and communicate all of yourself to create the highest quality of life you desire.

Wake up to your life. Make choices that are in alignment with what you value. Speak and express with confidence and clarity. Move your motivation into action. Take hold of your time, your energy, your self, and create habits, mindsets, and ways of being that align you to what you most desire.

live illuminated

Session begins January 2025

live illuminated


+ 12 1:1 60 min. coaching sessions
+ Personalized directives and next steps after every session
+ 24hr support via Voxer M-T
+ Your comprehensive Astro Blueprint report
+ Clifton Strengths Assessment coaching
+ Access to all Life Design workshops and resources
+ Optional: somatic movement/yoga sessions, astrology readings, guided meditations, and more.

the process

3 Months of Becoming

Month 1: The Retrieval
Self-understanding and claiming self identity
In our first month together we clarify and define who you are at your core - your values, strengths and passions - and then assess your current life for areas of misalignment. You will receive a full astrological birth chart assessment and Clifton Strengths assessment, along with easy steps and guidance to implement and activate the insights.
Month 2: The Alignment
Clearing out the misaligned and unnecessary
Four weeks dedicated to breaking down unhelpful patterns of behavior. You will capture a new layer of healing and growth by rewiring negative thought patterns, working through resistance to elevate consciousness, and building personal prosperity practices.
Month 3: The Embodiment
Application of deepened self-worth + building on momentum
The month of empowerment, you will actively elevate your daily confidence, build tools for resilience, cultivate your personal magnetism, build on the momentum of your successes, and create a concrete plan to continue living with alignment, strength, and devotion to your greatest visions.

"it's like building a map to your heart"

+ It was/is life changing and I recommend Hollis and Life Design with absolutely no reservations.
+ Working with Hollis was honestly life changing!
+ After completing the program I feel so much more confident in going for things that feel right in my gut and not overthinking everything.
+ It’s hard to believe how much more I feel like myself after completing The 12 Week Program
my promise

+ I will thoughtfully guide you to find your authentic answers to your questions by utilizing your own values.

+ Together, we will establish more consciousness in your life by uncovering the deeper meaning behind your actions and desires.

+ We will apply self-validation and self-understanding tools in every session, and I will encourage you to genuinely self-express.

+ We will break down unfulfilling patterns of behavior, and build new habits that support your desired outcome.

+ I will use practical problem-solving techniques to help you see and act on your visions and dreams.

+ I will honor your needs and timing in a way that allows your growth to unfold naturally and with ease, while also ensuring you stay committed to your vision and development.

live illuminated

Still need more? Learn more about me, or Contact me for more info