May 31, 2024
Lunar Series No. 6 - June 2024
This journal shares the transcript of the sixth installment of the Lunar Series. June 2024 is a month of growth, exploration, and realigning our intentions. As we step into this month, the astrological forecast is looking quite promising.

This journal shares the transcript of the sixth installment of the Lunar Series. June 2024 is a month of growth, exploration, and realigning our intentions. As we step into this month, the astrological forecast is looking quite promising.

Listen to the full episode.


Hello everyone, and welcome to another episode of the Designed Life Podcast. Today, we're going to be discussing the lunations of June 2024, and I'm excited about these lunations. June is looking like a rather graceful month, astrologically speaking. There isn't any kind of rough and tumble astrological weather that we're going to have to navigate. And I'm excited for this month because coming off of May, there were some really high vibes, and this month is a little bit more neutral. I guess I want to say it's less about big moments and exciting energy or disruptive energy and more just about the typical kind of day-to-day. What it's like to be human, navigating humanity, being in a human body on a regular basis. There are, of course, going to be some not so easy astrological moments, but there are also some really nice astrological moments as well. So overall, I feel like this is just a pretty well-rounded month, and the lunations show this as well. They're pretty easy to work with and really good to work with, actually. So let's get into the details of this month’s lunations. My name is Hollis Maloney. This is the Designed Life Podcast, and today we're discussing the lunations of June 2024.  


So we open the month with a New Moon in Gemini on June 6th, and it's at 16° of Gemini. And what I love about this New Moon is that the ruler of this lunation is Mercury. Mercury rules Gemini, and Mercury is in Gemini with the Moon, with the Sun, and also with Venus and Jupiter. There's this big pile-up of planets here in Gemini, and they're kind of all just having a party. So already, since we're in Gemini season, you might already be feeling the archetypical qualities of Gemini, which is to explore your curiosity, to explore your logic, to be more social and intellectual, and just generally buzzing a little bit more than usual. Gemini is a mutable air sign, so it's very much about the mind, about the intellect, and it's very adaptable. It wants to gather information and share that information and briefly, perhaps, also embody that information, just to know what it's like. And then continue on and move to the next thing. There is nothing that is necessarily concrete about Gemini, so you might tend to feel a little restless or ungrounded or unfocused at times. But I want to kind of say to lean into it a little bit and just explore what it feels like to be more like a little bumblebee, just hopping around from flower to flower and exploring the environment that you're in and gathering information when your curiosity is piqued. Venus being here right with the New Moon, with the Sun and the Moon, there is also something that's just deliciously beautiful about this New Moon that might catch your eye and have you drawn towards something that is really luxurious or sensual or creative. You might have a mental discovery about your values, what it is that you value, or your own values within yourself.

So to explore the energy of this New Moon, I would suggest that you just pay attention to what it is that's exciting you right now. What is stimulating your brain and your mind and your intellect? What are you feeling drawn towards? Again, I love to think of Gemini energy like a little bumblebee hopping from flower to flower to flower, and that's kind of the energy of this moment because Gemini is very much about gathering information and dispersing information, but also with Venus here, Venus is kind of like the flower. So what metaphorical flowers are catching your eye and piquing your interest and drawing you and attracting you in one direction? And how can you allow yourself to perhaps get lost in some of these wormholes and let yourself dive into what it is that is piquing your curiosity? There is something that is kind of creative and generative about this New Moon. And with Jupiter being here and Venus here as well, there is something that wants you to feel abundant and feel resourced and feel really exploratory. And so how can you also perhaps put your creativity to work or your creative mind to work to be able to explore and ideate new visions for yourself? It might be a really good time of the year, especially because we're about to step into the Summer Solstice in a couple of weeks, it might be a really good time to redo your vision board and reimagine what it is that you want your life to look like for the next six months until the Full Moon in Gemini.  

It's a really beautiful time just to kind of let your mind wander and explore the vastness of possibility that your life could embody. And because it is such an airy sign, and it is so mental, explore what could feel really good in your body. Tap into the Venus side of this New Moon and do some things that are sensual and that feel really delicious in your body that also tie into where your intellect is drawing you as well, where your mind is drawing you and where your curiosity is drawing you. So again, that New Moon is on June 6th at 16° of Gemini. If you have any other planets in Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius, the air signs at 16° or around 16°, you might be feeling this more than others. Same if you have any planets at the mutable signs of Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. So enjoy that New Moon. Definitely a good New Moon to work with. The New Moon is also lightly squaring Saturn, so it's really good for intention setting, making commitments, etcetera, and of course, you'll find our New Moon worksheet to accompany that New Moon on the website available for download with any donation.

The second lunation of the month comes on June 22nd, again right after the Summer Solstice, which will be happening on June 20th. So two days later, we have a Full Moon at 1° of Capricorn. The Sun has just moved into Cancer two days prior. The Moon is brand new here in Capricorn, so this is fresh Capricorn, Cancer energy. Again, whenever we're talking about a Full Moon, we're talking about an axis in the zodiacal wheel because the Moon is opposing the Sun in another sign. So with the Full Moon, this particular Full Moon we're talking about Capricorn Energy being illuminated against Cancer energy. Capricorn is very much about ambition, being organized, being practical, being disciplined, being frugal, being realistic. It's the kind of get-down-to-business sign. It's taking the ideas and the excitement and the energy of Sagittarius, you know, the big, boisterous, idealistic part of us and bringing it down to Earth and making it practical and grounded so that we can use it and apply it in the real world.  

So, if you think about business in general or being entrepreneurial, which I would also say Capricorn has that kind of entrepreneurial spirit, not in the sense that, you know, it's the kind of entrepreneur that has an idea, starts it, and then disappears from it. It's the kind of entrepreneur that has an idea, puts it to work, and puts it to work in a really practical way where it's long-lasting and withstands the test of time. So when we're talking about the side of us that is the Capricorn Energy, that is the side of us we're talking about. And with the Full Moon here, you might be starting to or you might be recognizing the things that have come to culmination in terms of your ambition and the things that you have been working really hard towards. Capricorn is very much a hard-working sign, and because it is a critical, realistic sign, there's something about wanting to judge ourselves and the ways that we haven't done the hard work. So that might also be kind of coming to the surface, but I recommend you just observe what it is that you've accomplished in the last six months, really since the beginning of the year and what it is you have left to accomplish. And use what you have left to accomplish less as a criticism of yourself and more as an opportunity to check in, see if these things that you want to accomplish really are still things that you want to accomplish first and foremost, and then second, how you can strategically create a plan to make these things possible, even if that plan is more from a felt sense than "on Mondays I'm going to do this, on Tuesdays I'm going to do this," blah blah.  

Again, because the Moon is opposing the Sun in Cancer, Cancer wants us to feel really deeply into our experience and to nurture ourselves from the inside out. It's about how we feed ourselves. And so there is this balance between how we are ambitious, how do we apply our ambition and our motivation and create the things that we want to create in the world and apply the hard work while also nurturing and nourishing ourselves in a really holistic and supportive way. So when we're talking about what it is that we've created, maybe even looking at how you nourished yourself and in what ways you nourished yourself so that you were able to create the things that you created, how did you achieve your goals less by force and more by nourishment? And how can you apply those same tools moving forward so that everything that you create, everything that you apply yourself to, isn't just generated by force of will, but it's generated because it also feels really good to do it in your body.  

You know, I talk about this all the time with regards to creating habits, starting with something really, really small and doing what feels really good. So if you're just starting to run, maybe just letting yourself run at a really slow pace for a mile and then walking for, you know, another mile or whatever feels really good in your body to do, to be able to remind your body, tell your body, show your body that these things that are outside of our comfort zones can feel really good and we can ease our way into them, rather than forcing our way into them. So how can you take that idea and integrate it in terms of what it is that you are experiencing or what you are motivated to create? And then how can you apply it in a way that feels really nurturing and nourishing? The ruler of this Full Moon is Saturn, currently in Pisces. Pisces is also very much a sign that's about compassion. It's another water sign. It wants us, again, to feel really good. To kind of lose ourselves in the boundlessness of time and energy and source, and so, there's also this kind of emptiness. You know, what are the fluid boundaries? How can we still be structured but also make it feel really good?  

So again, not necessarily hard and fast, kind of like "use this to make your dreams grow" kind of energy. It's not Mars. It's not force of will here but it is very it is a very good Full Moon to recognize. You know what it is that you've accomplished and what you have ahead of you from a really exciting vantage point. This Full Moon again, it's that 1° of Capricorn. So if you have any planets at 1° of the earth signs, Capricorn or Taurus or Virgo, or any of the other cardinal signs, Aries, Cancer, and Libra, you might be feeling this most.  

And that's it. Those are the lunations of the month. They're pretty straightforward. Again, that New Moon, such a good New Moon to work with, especially with Venus right there. I really recommend that you get dressed up and do something social, do something fun, gather with friends, gather with people that you love, have great conversations. It's a really, really lovely time and even just pay attention to the conversations that you're having. And notice what great ideas are coming to you or dreams that you're having. And that Full Moon, again, very much about that balance between ambition and nourishment and taking care of yourself and moving forward and stepping outside your comfort zone and striving while also making sure that you eat, hydrate, and let yourself rest. So enjoy the lunations of this month. Enjoy the Summer Solstice, and I'll be back again next month to talk about these same very similar energies, the New Moon in Cancer and the Full Moon in Capricorn. So I'll catch you in the next one.