August 2, 2024
Lunar Series No. 8 - August 2024
This journal shares the transcript of the eighth installment of the Lunar Series. August's lunations call attention to the delicate balance between personal identity and the collective. This month, the focus is on how we express ourselves authentically while not losing touch with how we can contribute to the larger community.

This journal shares the transcript of the eighth installment of the Lunar Series. August's lunations call attention to the delicate balance between personal identity and the collective. This month, the focus is on how we express ourselves authentically while not losing touch with how we can contribute to the larger community.

Listen to the full episode.


Hello everyone, and welcome to another installment of The Designed Life Podcast. Today, we're going to be talking a lot about identity, ego, and what it means to hold on to your sense of identity—your true sense of self—while also considering and being part of the collective or the group. There's an interesting thing going on with the Sun and the Moon, particularly this month, that has a lot to do with our understanding of ourselves and what we need to really shine and feel like we're embodying and expressing ourselves truthfully and honestly.  

We also need to keep in mind that we're part of a larger web of humanity, and everything we do has a ripple effect into the larger collective. While what we do is important, it's not so important that it should be our whole lives—we need to remember that we're part of this larger web, which needs our support and reminds us of our place and position in our lives and the world.

There's always a dynamic between self and other, and we must learn to go within, understand our identity, and define our purpose, while also expressing that purpose in a way that's supportive of the whole. So let's get into why I'm saying all of this. This is the Designed Life Podcast, and today we're discussing the lunations of August 2024.

We begin the month with a New Moon in Leo on August 4th. It's at 12° of Leo, and a New Moon in Leo is like a rebirth of the self. The two most personal signs are Cancer and Leo—Cancer is the sign of the Moon, and Leo is the sign of the Sun. When we're talking about these signs, we're talking about really personal things. Even if you don't have planets in these signs, there's always some sort of relationship to them. They represent our sense of self, our sense of center, our ego, our conscious self, and our sense of purpose in the world.  

Leo relates to the part of ourselves that's our inner leader. It’s about embodying that leadership in our lives, becoming the star of our own movie, the one we're creating and unfolding day by day. It also has to do with our sense of loyalty, bravery, and pride. The New Moon invites you to renew your sense of self and reclaim ownership of your life in a way that feels aligned with who you are.  

We often get pulled away from our sense of center by work, kids, friendships, relationships, and many other things that pull us in different directions, making us think certain things take precedence over what we feel most connected to. This is an opportunity to go back to yourself and ask, "What is it that lights me up? What do I need to shine and feel connected to who I am?"  

The Sun rules this New Moon, and it's having a lovely conversation with the Moon, asking how you can feel connected to who you are. There's something about it wanting to feel abundant; there's a light trine to Jupiter in Gemini, indicating that this might be about your inner growth, particularly regarding self-expression. Jupiter is about abundance and making things bigger. Gemini is about communication. A trine is a supportive relationship, so there is a beam of light from Jupiter to the Sun and the Moon, encouraging a way to communicate that feels jovial, luxurious, fun, and empowering.

During this New Moon, I recommend spending some time talking to yourself—doing some mirror work, looking in the mirror, and giving yourself a mini hype talk. You could also brainstorm with a best friend about the type of person you want to be, the leader you want to embody, and the star you want to be in your own movie script. What are the things that make you feel proud of who you are, and what can you do to cultivate more pride in yourself? Writing down who you really want to become and how you want to step into that role can be powerful.

Leo is very much the sign that wants us to remember that we are our own stars in our own show. So, if you can bring that sense of support to your friends and engage in a fun, non-competitive session where you jazz each other up and support each other, it's a great way to work with this New Moon. If you have any planets at 12° of Leo or in other fixed signs like Scorpio, Aquarius, or Taurus, you might feel this one more. The same goes for planets in the fire signs like Aries and Sagittarius, and of course, Leo. So, check out your planets. Check out your chart and see if this is really going to pinpoint specific things for you.  

Later this month, we have a Full Moon in Aquarius at 27°. This is how New Moons and Full Moons work: there's always a New Moon and a Full Moon in opposing signs, right? Aquarius opposes Leo. If Leo represents the center point, focusing on the self, the ego, and identity, then Aquarius is about the collective, the group, humanitarian causes, originality, independent thinking, and how we can support the collective rather than just the individual.

The Leo-Aquarius axis is interesting because it makes us consider how we can be our own person, pursue what excites us, and then express that into the world in a way that supports the group and the collective. How can we step into a role where we can take ownership and leadership, while contributing to the greater good? This is a question that all of us pursue throughout our lives. Aquarius brings an inventive energy to its transits, including New Moons and Full Moons. With this Full Moon, we’re asked to consider everything we've planted during the New Moon in Leo just two weeks prior, expanding and being more imaginative, original, and even disruptive in our approach to supporting others.

Aquarius is a more detached, mental sign, whereas the Moon is emotional and connected to the body. This contrast might create some discomfort or agitation. The traditional ruler of Aquarius is Saturn, representing structures, boundaries, and time, while its modern ruler is Uranus, representing disruption, electric changes, and invention. Aquarius understands the box you might feel trapped in, and it encourages you to think outside it. It asks you to reconsider your sense of identity, explore what might be uncomfortable, and be open to new aspects of yourself.

During this Full Moon, you might have strong realizations about how you interact with the collective and what you're ready to embrace, even if it feels unconventional or uncomfortable. Meanwhile, Mercury is retrograde in Leo, emphasizing a review of your sense of self and identity. This is a great time to reflect on the intentions set during the New Moon and ask if anything needs to be added or expanded. Does something feel forced or inauthentic? How have you been living in a way that's too status quo, and how can you embrace more of yourself?

With all this energy, you might feel agitated as you navigate these new realizations. Trust that this will pass, and you'll gain clarity, especially once Mercury goes direct. You will eventually understand and accept parts of yourself that you might have previously rejected.

Both lunations this month are about the self and its role in the group. How can we disrupt old patterns and belief systems that hold us back from embodying our true selves? It's about showing up as your best, most aligned, and empowered self, contributing to the greater good. Even if it feels cliché, it's about letting your light shine, especially under the sun in Leo. It's also about how your light can shine collectively with everyone else's light.

During the Full Moon, instead of setting intentions, reflect on the past month and the past six months to understand how you've evolved, what structures you've let go of, and what new possibilities lie ahead. If you have any planets or positions at 27° in Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus, Leo, or the other air signs (Gemini and Libra), you might feel this Full Moon's impact more strongly.

For the New Moon, explore and have fun with your intentions. Try something new or different, like attending an archery class, paint-and-sip event, or taking a different route home. Doing things that are out of your comfort zone can be the perfect antidote to any disruptive energy. Aquarius encourages playful invention and thinking outside the box, even if it feels personal. Embracing this playful attitude can turn agitation into exploration.

Overall, August is a fun month, with a strong focus on self-growth and potential. Don't take things too personally. Allow for growth, evolution, and the possibilities that come with embracing the unfamiliar. I'll be back next month to discuss the New Moon in Virgo and the Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces, as we step into Eclipse season. One new Eclipse and one Eclipse wrapping up an old story. So, we’ll get into all of that next time. Until then, have a beautiful August. Catch you in the next one.