February 3, 2024
Guide to the 10 Modern Planets

Welcome to Your Guide to The 10 Modern Planets.


A Map of the Sky: 
An Introduction

To the right is an example of an astrological chart. It is a map of the sky, and planetary placements, at an exact moment in time from a set location. To determine a chart, you need the date, time and exact location.

The chart at the time of your birth is called your natal chart. Your natal chart will never change, but the astrology of the moment is always changing, and therefor activating parts of your chart at different times all the time.

The very middle horizontal line is the horizon, and everything above that line is visible above the horizon, while everything below that line is invisible from the vantage point of your chart location.


The who of your chart:

The Planets

The planets are the characters at play in different areas of life. In our natal chart they represent the people in our lives and the extensions of our personality in action in the different parts of our lives. These are the who of a chart.

There are symbols with the middle sections of each pie slice (or house) of your chart, and these are the planets. There might not be a planet in every house, and that’s okay.

You’ll also notice two numbers next to each planet symbol. These are the degrees (larger number) and minutes (smaller number) of the planet placement. These are important to know for when we explore aspect relationships and transits.

A bit of history: Up until 1781 (so ~3000 years of astrological study) the only planets believed to be in our solar system were the Sun, Mercury, Earth, the Earth's Moon, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn as they were the only planets seen by the naked eye. WIth the invention of the telescope Uranus was discovered, breaking the boundary of what we previous believed. WIth the discovery of the other planets comes a new understanding of astrology – the planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, being the farthest planets in the solar system and the slowest moving, are considered to be generational and effect humanity more on a collective rather than an individual scale.

Example 1: The chart to the right has Pluto at 9º in the 4th house ruled by Libra.

Apply This

– Identify which your Sun and Moon in your chart, as well as what signs they fall under and which houses they live within.


‍‍The Planets: Key Qualities


The center, source, essence, power, life-force, life-direction, will, central purpose, potential, vitality, identity


The emotional body, feelings, moods, ability to give and receive, memory, habits, nurturance, instinctual behavior, security 


The intellect, rational mind, logic, communication, thought, speech, language, learning, writing, teaching, travel, commerce


What we desire to join with, values, partnerships, social urge, cohesion, aesthetics, balance, melody, the arts


Activity, assertion, directness, aggression, competition, impulse, desire, passion, drive, courage, anger


Expansion, growth, abundance, fortune, generosity, understanding, wisdom, aspiration, ethics, faith, hope


Limitation, form, structure, order, time, gravity, karma, maturation, responsibility, limitations, focus


Individuality, rebellion, freedom, originality, invention, unorthodoxy, uniqueness, change, irruption, suddenness, electricity


Dissolving of form, unity, healing, disintegration, dreams, deception, sensitivity, idealism, illusion, surrender


Regeneration, death, release, upheaval, transformation, the unseen, alchemy, reorganization, renewal, subterranean, cleansing, purging

Apply This

– Identify the rest of the traditional planets in your chart (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn). Which signs do they fall under and which houses do they life within?


Personal Application for Each of Your Planets:

1. Using your birth date, time and location, look up your natal chart using this website.

2. Identify the planets in each house (or pie slice) of your chart. You may not have planets in every house, and you might have more planets in one house than others - all of that is normal!

3. Using the LDC Guide to the 12 Whole Sign Houses, list 3-5 energetic areas of life of each planet rules in your chart based on the houses they live in.

5. Using the LDC Guide to the 12 Zodiac Signs, list 3-5 energetic qualities of each sign to your corresponding house/ area of life.


Areas of life:
Sign Ruler:



Areas of life:
Sign Ruler:



Areas of life:
Sign Ruler:



Areas of life:
Sign Ruler:



Areas of life:
Sign Ruler:



Areas of life:
Sign Ruler:



Areas of life:
Sign Ruler:



Areas of life:
Sign Ruler:



Areas of life:
Sign Ruler:



Areas of life:
Sign Ruler:


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Guide to the 12 Zodiac Signs

Guide to the 10 Modern Planets

Guide to the 12 Whole Sign Houses

Guide to the Lunations