February 2, 2024
Guide to the 12 Zodiac Signs

Welcome to Your Guide to The 12 Signs of the Zodiac.‍


A Map of the Sky: 
An Introduction

To the right is an example of an astrological chart. It is a map of the sky, and planetary placements, at an exact moment in time from a set location. To determine a chart, you need the date, time and exact location.

The chart at the time of your birth is called your natal chart. Your natal chart will never change, but the astrology of the moment is always changing, and therefor activating parts of your chart at different times all the time.

The very middle horizontal line is the horizon, and everything above that line is visible above the horizon, while everything below that line is invisible from the vantage point of your chart location.


‍The how of your chart:

The Signs

Each house (or pie slice) of your chart is ruled by a zodiac sign. The zodiac sign applies an energy or style to that house/area of your life. This means we each have the energy of all 12 zodiac signs being experienced in our lives, but at different levels of intensity. These are the how of your chart.

Each zodiac sign is represented by a symbol, shown in the chart above as either a red (fire), green (earth), light blue (air) or dark blue (water) symbol around the periphery of your chart. The placements of the signs are determined by the 1st house/rising sign, and will always be applied in sequential order.

Example 1: Aries rising will have Taurus ruling the 2nd house, Gemini the 3rd house, Cancer the 4th house, etc.

Example 2: In the above chart, Gemini rules the first house, so Cancer rules the 2nd, Leo the 3rd, etc.

Apply This

– Identify which sign is on your first house. This is your rising sign (also known as the ascendant).

– Identify your Sun sign. Which house does this sign rule in your chart?


‍‍The Signs: Key Words

Aries  ·  ruled by Mars

Initiating, pioneering, innovative, inspiring, naive, energetic, assertive, competitive, impulsive, impatient

Taurus  ·  ruled by Venus

Practical, productive, stable, reliable, loyal, trustworthy, persevering, patient, aesthetic, stubborn, indulgent, lazy 

Gemini  ·  ruled by Mercury

intelligent, curious, logical, social, bright, clever, adaptable, diffusive, inconsistent, restless, fickle

Cancer  ·  ruled by the Moon

emotional, receptive, sensitive, gentle, vulnerable, nurturing, domestic, insecure, moody, clingy, withdrawn

Leo  ·  ruled by the Sun

self-assured, dynamic, authoritative, loyal, courageous, expressive, vain, dramatic, prideful, selfish, stubborn

Virgo  ·  ruled by Mercury

Efficient, analytical, discriminating, helpful, humble, detailed, exacting, petty, trivial, OCD, judgmental

Libra  ·  ruled by Venus

Relating, cooperative, considerate, just, balanced, aesthetic, artistic, refined, dependent, indecisive, passive 

Scorpio  ·  ruled by Mars + Pluto

Regenerating, transforming, healing, penetrating, magnetic, mysterious, secretive, obsessive, fixed, resentful

Sagittarius  ·  ruled by Jupiter

Wise, understanding, idealistic, jovial, expansive, generous, exploring, athletic, self-righteous, extravagant, restless

Capricorn  ·  ruled by Saturn

Organized, practical, disciplined, frugal, constructive, ambitious, realistic, controlling, restricted, cod, repressed

Aquarius  ·  ruled by Saturn + Uranus

Progressive, humanitarian, altruistic, independent, original, mental, inventive, anarchistic, deviant, erratic, detached

Pisces  ·  ruled by Jupiter + Neptune

Unifying, dissolving, imaginative, poetic, empathetic, healing, sympathetic, confused, illusory, impractical, escapist

Apply This

– Identify which sign is on your first house (your rising sign aka ascendant). Which planet rules this sign?


Zodiacal Energy:
The Elements

The zodiac is divided into four elements: fire, earth, air and water. They describe the form of and temperament of each sign.

Fire : Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

The identity principle

Skillful: motivating, purpose-seeking, courageous, animating, energizing

Unskillful: aggressive, reckless, egocentric, impatient, manic

Earth : Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

The material principle 

Skillful: practical, manifesting, grounding, dependable, productive, solid, substantial
Unskillful: overcautious, stubborn, possessive, unyielding, conservative‍

Air : Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

The mental principle

Skillful: communicative, social, versatile, abstract, conceptual, fair, clever, intellectual

Unskillful: ungrounded, flighty, detached, unfeeling, gossiping

Water : Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

The feeling principle

Skillful: nurturing, sustaining, flowing, receptive, feeling, adaptive, deep

Unskillful: overprotective, insecure, helpless, secretive, fearful, deceptive, needy

Apply This

– Identify your Sun sign. Which element is your Sun sign? Which 2-3 words from both the skillfull and unskillfull sections do you feel apply to you?


Zodiacal Energy:
The Modalities

The zodiac is divided into three modalities: cardinal, fixed, and mutable. They describe the movement and expression of each sign.‍

Cardinal : Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn

The start of each season: Initiating and originating

Skillful: generating, initiating, originating, purposeful, active

Unskillful: impatient, dissatisfied, overactive, forceful

Fixed : Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius

The middle of each season: Stabilizing and persevering

Skillful: stabilizing, establishing, constant, preserving

Unskillful: stubborn, rigid, resistant, obsessed, inert

Mutable : Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces

The transition of each season: Adapting and changing

Skillful: adaptable, changing, learning, versatile

Unskillful: scattered, unfocused, distracted, inconsistent

Apply This

– Identify your Sun sign. Which modality is your Sun sign? Which 2-3 words from both the skillful and unskillful sections do you feel apply to you?



Personal Application for Each of Your Signs:

1. Using your birth date, time and location, look up your natal chart using this website.

2. Identify the signs that rule each house (or pie slice) of your chart.

3. Using the LDC Guide to the 12 Whole Sign Houses, identify which area of life this house represents.

4. Then, identify the element and modality of each sign, and apply the 3-5 key qualities of each element and modality below.



Area of life:





Area of life:





Area of life:





Area of life:





Area of life:





Area of life:





Area of life:





Area of life:





Area of life:





Area of life:





Area of life:





Area of life:



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Guide to the 12 Zodiac Signs

Guide to the 10 Modern Planets

Guide to the 12 Whole Sign Houses

Guide to the Lunations